Lintel failure is one of the greatest problems that many households face. Lintel depicts itself as a crack above windows and doors and it comes about due to general deterioration of the house over time. The metals inside start rusting and weakening threatening to give way.
Our stone experts are best suited to assist you deal with this issue in a way that your house will look as good as new after they were done.
Lintel repair provides the following advantages:
• Easy to install.
• Affordable
• Can be installed in any weather conditions

Casey Tuckpointing has been providing quality masonry services to the City of Chicago and surrounding suburbs since 1994.
We are a family owned and operated business that takes pride in offering a blend of quality European craftsmanship and modern masonry techniques.
Casey Tuckpointing services all aspects of residential, commercial and industrial masonry repair and restoration.
We work with a large number of Management Companies, General Contractors, Architects, Realtors, Condominium Associations and home owners in the area. References are available upon request.