Before we get into one of our services, chemical sealing, it is imperative that we understand what a chemical sealant is first. A sealant is a substance that is used to prevent the entry of fluids through joints, the surface or orifices in substances.
In construction, chemical sealing serves the purpose of preventing dust, sound and heat transference. There are several types of chemical sealants that are used in construction and the one used depends on the function you would like it to play.
Sealants are either strong or weak, inflexible or flexible, and lastly, permanent or interim. In other words, chemical sealing assist in waterproofing. And since the former is also one of our specialties, we hope that for all you will engage us for all your sealing needs.

Casey Tuckpointing has been providing quality masonry services to the City of Chicago and surrounding suburbs since 1994.
We are a family owned and operated business that takes pride in offering a blend of quality European craftsmanship and modern masonry techniques.
Casey Tuckpointing services all aspects of residential, commercial and industrial masonry repair and restoration.
We work with a large number of Management Companies, General Contractors, Architects, Realtors, Condominium Associations and home owners in the area. References are available upon request.