Knowing how to use and apply caulk is one of our specialties. Caulking can be used to refer to both the process and material that is used to seal joints in various kinds of structures. In other words, it means closing up gaps or joints in buildings.
Caulking is usually done with three things in mind: to provide insulation, to control penetration of water and air, and lastly, to ease on noise. In the event that the crack is slightly bigger, caulk is usually followed by elastometric substances to help seal the joint.
Among our various masonry services, caulking is featured as well. There are several kinds of caulk that can be used for all your caulking needs. They include: paintable and non-paintable caulk. Paintable caulk, just as its name suggests can be painted once it has dried up. Non-paintable caulk on the other hand is silicone based, hence bars paint from clinging to its surface.

Casey Tuckpointing has been providing quality masonry services to the City of Chicago and surrounding suburbs since 1994.
We are a family owned and operated business that takes pride in offering a blend of quality European craftsmanship and modern masonry techniques.
Casey Tuckpointing services all aspects of residential, commercial and industrial masonry repair and restoration.
We work with a large number of Management Companies, General Contractors, Architects, Realtors, Condominium Associations and home owners in the area. References are available upon request.